Web relaunch for a better customer and employee experience

Eine Frau sitzt an ihrem Laptop auf dem die Website der Grünwerke geöffnet ist. Rechts neben ihr sitzt ein Mann, der ebenfalls auf den Bildschirm schaut.

Everything on green – Headless and with improved UX

The future lies in the energy transition. Grünwerke GmbH specializes in renewable energy from the coast to the city rooftops. Ergosign was commissioned with the relaunch of the Grünwerke website and optimized the customer journey for various target groups such as property owners, project developers and investors. The goal: visualize successful past projects and gain new project partners.

UX Design
Visual Design

BriefOptimized digital experiences for clients and employees

The Grünwerke recognized early on that a positive customer experience is a decisive advantage in providing users with targeted and transparent access to information. Our task was to enable seamless entry into the product landscape for prospects and potential project partners, and to offer insights into past and current projects in renewable energy. The project also included migrating the platform to a modern cloud infrastructure and implementing a headless content management system (CMS). Employee experience was also fundamentally considered to enhance usability for all employees actively using the new CMS.

ApproachUser in focus: Design and efficiency improvement

The foundation of successful design is a deep understanding of user needs. Stakeholder interviews provided valuable insights for optimized design. Insights into pain points of the existing solution facilitated targeted customer engagement, enhancing interactions and increasing lead generation. An outstanding customer experience always accompanies an excellent employee experience. The new website with a headless CMS solution efficiently supports the editorial team. For the headless CMS, we chose Storyblok.

OutcomeEfficient workflows and increased communication

The new online presence reflects the values and services offered. Grünwerke can now inform existing partners optimally with the website having become a crucial channel for generating new projects. New web content can be created more quickly and collaboratively edited by the team through the headless CMS. The efficient workflow gives employees more time to focus on the essentials: communication with customers and prospects. As the green subsidiary of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, the affiliation should also be evident in the design. For the modern redesign, we used design elements that also made their way into the website relaunch of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf.

More information on the collaboration with Stadtwerke Düsseldorf

About the clientGrünwerke GmbH

Whether it's wind power, photovoltaics, biomass, hydropower, or storage: the topic of renewable energy is omnipresent. That's why in 2010, Grünwerke was founded as the "green subsidiary" of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf.

Grünwerke implements projects nationwide in the areas of wind power, photovoltaics, biomass, hydropower, and storage. With their regional and national development expertise, they are partners in the development of essential components of urban infrastructure. As a financially strong company, they plan, build, and operate renewable energy facilities nationwide.

Startseite einer Website mit Fokus auf erneuerbare Energien, Windkraft und Photovoltaik.
Vorschau der Grünwerke-Website zeigt Seiten zu Solar- und Windenergieprojekten mit Bildern und Texten.
PV-Anlage Plattling Website-Screenshot mit Luftaufnahme der Anlage und Karte von Niederbayern.