Case StudyErgosign designs UI for brain PET system

Targeted UX for Positrigo's dedicated brain scanner

Positrigo's technology enables precision medicine and makes functional imaging accessible to people worldwide. Functional imaging allows the visualization of brain activities through imaging technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or positron emission tomography (PET). The NeuroLF is a novel, ultra-compact brain PET system that provides unprecedented comfort for patients. The UI and UX make the operation intuitive and efficient at the same time.

UX Design
UX Testing
Interaction Design
Visual Design

BriefTechnical innovation

Ergosign's task in this project was to make the new technology optimally usable through modern and targeted UX design. User research and user-centered design were priorities for the client because Positrigo's brain PET systems are intended for worldwide use. Therefore, the UI had to be intuitive and easy to use for many medical professionals.

ApproachPractical insights for optimal UI

As part of an initial context analysis, we delved deep into the world of Positrigo and conducted user research with relevant medical professionals. This allowed us to gather practical insights. Based on the insights gathered in the research phase, we developed wireframes and designs, which we agilely iterated with the client and finalized through user testing with real users in a realistic set-up.

OutcomeImaging everyone

One of Positrigo's goals is to enable optimal usability to support the best possible diagnostics. Our human-centered approach resulted in two user interfaces for this project: one for operating the scanner via computer and another one directly on the device. The new, clearly structured UI now allows for the parallelization of tasks, while the status of the current scan is visible at a glance. Tasks are made more efficient, and data that was previously recorded manually on paper is now stored directly in digital form.

About the ClientPositrigo

Positrigo's vision is to make functional imaging accessible to people worldwide and to achieve a sustainable social impact. The NeuroLF scanner makes brain scans more effective, efficient, and more comfortable for patients due to its innovative design. Positrigo advances functional imaging while enabling research for the development of new therapies. Positrigo makes functional imaging scalable – Imaging Everyone!

The PET System and the UI
Das Positrigo UI in hell und dunkel.
Medical Professional works at a computer with the Positrigo UI

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